window view<3
hallo again from my little strange odd world, but really..i think it has some kind of lovelyness in it..a drop of orange juice in it:) right? doesnt every life has that..amazing scents?..(im such a citrus scent person) so dont mind me:)
omg i have been like so freaking busy right now..likee yea..school and stufff..i have parcials next week..and i have a sht load of homework for thiss weekend..:( sigh..
I just got back from the bowling with my family and sister<3.. and my cousin..
we had fun..too bad i suck at it..u know:(
so..tomorrow wer having like a family reunion at my house..and my cous and my sisters sister..lol its ocming so its gona be fun..we r gonna watch all true blood episodes! isnt that just SO JUICYY!?!?!? LOVE IT.
So im sorry i dont have like anything interetsing to say right now..which iss just like freaking weird..but ill figure out something:) hehe