haaappy new year :)
new year..new start..new clothes :D
i havent been able to blog right now..cause ive been busyyyy as hell :(
but here i am.. i have like so much to talk about..but im just gonna talk about the most importan t stuff..:D
New years was a blast yeswterday..omg i got like so freaking waisted..its not even funny..
but oh well:) i had a good time..
ive been loving me some http://www.urbanoutfitters.com :) they've got some pretty good vintage nice stuff.. specially the shoes section..i LOVE them all! i hate it that i cant get any cute warm blazer cause the weather in here sucks so bad..its like humid.. well it is! :( and so freaking hot..so yea.. its lame & i hate it.
then my sis came yesterday from NY .. ive missed her like SO MUCH.. and she brought me this VOGUE magazine and a gorgeousssssss H&M dress..i like it so much.. pictures soon i promise:)
And im just so happy shes here.. shes leaving like in 8 days i think? so shes staying wiff me:)
anddd yea pretty much that.. these days went on like so fastt! im starting classes on the 5th..i think? so yea prettyy much SUCKSS! :(
So, Happy New Year